Wednesday, October 13, 2010

den of doom + one good finger

Next up, the den. Are you ready for this? Well, let me take your through the tiniest, weirdest pass-through ever... this little beauty. Yes, those are polyester draperies. The kind you could snag a fingernail on.

The floor joist had collapsed on its beam under the house, causing about a six inch drop/slope in the corner of the room. We had to have the house jacked up and leveled and a new beam put in. Not cheap.

More of that lovely parkay (spell?) floor. This room was taken down to the studs and subfloor. There had been a leak from the bathroom on the other side of this wall for years. The subfloor was rotted to the core and had to be replaced. We tore out the paneling and added insulation on the outside walls. New floors were put in here too to match the kitchen. New sheetrock was put in where the paneling was before. And now, it looks like this!:

This room was no easy feat; it took a LOT of paint. And a lot of caulk. My mother proudly told the window men one afternoon (did I mention we put in all new windows?) that she handles "all the caulk in her family". He he. She told them all you really need is some caulk and one good finger. God I love that woman!

Yes, we painted the rock fireplace. Scary, I know, but it turned out great. You definately want to prime first, and use a latex paint. We accidentally used an oil-based paint first and it looked like an igloo. We went back over it with the latex and it made all the difference in the world. My sweet friend Melyne helped with this project on her vacation from New Orleans. Someone who packs paint clothes is a true friend!

Most of the furniture in this room is from estate sales and craigslist. That slipcovered sofa/chair thing is fabulous. Roy Dudley and Betty Bogart are two of my faves. They have saved me a bundle and have become good friends of mine along the way. Good good people those two.

So that's our den in a nutshell. There's also a great little laundry closet behind that sofa chair that you can't see in these pictures. More on that later.

Have a great Wednesday everybody!


  1. Hey baby, just for the record, it's "parquet" flooring, or otherwise known as the method of "parquetry". I just thought that I could, at the very least, help out with the semantics of the blog since I didn't help out all that much on the house itself! (For those of you reading this who may or may not know, I'm not the "handiest" fellow..."handsiest"? Well, that's just a private matter.)
    (p.s. Great job on the blog thus far!...I just love ya to pieces...)

  2. is the ceiling fan(in third photo)plugged into the wall?
