Thursday, February 10, 2011

nursery update

We plan on finding out the gender of this little one next Tuesday, but boy or girl, this baby will have toile in its life. Toile is in every room of my house. I love it. I love all versions of it. And I found the perfect baby version. The bumper pad and quilt will be the printed toile linen you see here. And the drapes will be the adorable gingham, to avoid it looking too mature.

The paint color will be striped in tan, antique white, wedgewood gray, and chocolate brown.

For the furniture, I'm going with the classic Jenny Lind style crib. I love it's spindly look. Newer cribs are just so gigantic (and ridiculously overpriced). I like the vintage feel of the Jenny Lind. I went back and forth over whether or not to do white or cherry. White just seems a bit girly, and since this is supposed to be a gender neutral nursery, I figured the cherry might be a safer bet. In the end, after much online shopping, I found one at for $179 and $2.95 shipping. Perfect!

Please ignore hokey bedding. Baby Smith will have none of that! Which brings me to another nursery decor issue. I have a real problem with characters. No cartoon animals, no Disney princesses, no refereces to "Mommy" and "Daddy" on clothing. (i.e., "If you think I'm cute, you should see my mommy"-type outfits). This is a very touchy subject, and one can come off terribly misunderstood. I do not mean for it to sound as tooky as it does. I'm just trying to shelter this child from the evil marketing schemes of the Western world.

I realize baby clothes and bedding are just the tip of the iceberg in this matter. No Dora the Explorer (I'd rather them learn French than Spanish anyway), no Bob the Builder, no Thomas the Train, the list goes on. Then you get into the whole subject of food items that go along with the evil marketing scheme. We will drive past McDonald's without anyone pointing out the window in a fit to pull in the drive-thru. We will not go see the scary-looking Easter bunny at the mall.

Am I terrible? This is one of those I-am-a-naive-new-mom things isn't it. I'd love to hear feedback. Any thoughts/suggestions would be appreciated!

1 comment:

  1. i love the bedding! and even though i'm with ya on the gender neutral, how perfect that there is so much blue in the fabric!

    do you mean they won't be able to watch the shows or you just won't be buying clothing, cups, etc with the logos? it might be kinda hard to shield them from ever watching tv. plus, little boys love trains and building things!
